Question: How is the Generation Blue architecture making this possible?
Alan: So, Generation Blue is a global exchange, a global marketplace for any asset. That’s currencies, that will be stocks and bonds, but we’re also introducing natural capital as an emerging asset class, and we are powering the ability to provide liquidity for major currencies based on Richard Olsen’s algorithms. We’re using those same algorithms to provide liquidity for, say, Generation Blue Coin which represents equity in Generation Blue, for our mangrove tree token which represents trees in Myanmar, so you can literally use the same technology to provide liquidity for any digital token, and the future that we’re moving to is that everything will become digitized. That means everything will become a means of payment. Every individual can issue their own digital token. It’s a matter of “Are we a trustworthy individual?” If we are a trustworthy individual organization, the currency that we launch will have a greater value and we can essentially – through big data and through feedback effects – discover which individuals in which organizations are trustworthy and worth supporting.