2021 is a milestone year! Starboard has planted 1 million mangroves and removed 75,000KG of plastic waste from Thailand’s Coastlines. Every board purchased helps this action!
A Life Source for Everyone. Even you and I.
It’s a well-known fact that trees are life-givers. They are a home for animals and insects, a protector against strong winds or storms, and providers of the oxygen we need to breathe.

2018 saw the beginning of Starboard’s mangrove planting projects. Fast forward to 2021 and we have now planted 1 million trees that are flourishing with Worldview International Foundation. Within the next 20 years, these trees will sink approximately 1 million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere.
Starboard started planting mangroves with WIF in the Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park. Amazingly this climate park is now full of 18 million miracle mangroves. Completing the project comes with many thanks to the companies and individuals, who also see the benefit of using nature to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. In total, WIF has now planted 28 million mangroves in areas where they would have thrived in previous years but were slashed down for other means such as shrimp or salt farming. Locals are now benefiting from these mangroves by being tree ‘guardians’, planters, growers or helping with the project in other ways.

What is Starboard’s action plan beyond 2021?
Over the next 12 months, Starboard will be continuing to plant as many mangrove trees as possible. Could this be another million? All we know is if we do not act now, our oceans will continue to suffer from this imbalance of greenhouse gases. Global warming is warming up our oceans, causing them to become more and more acidic and killing much of the biodiversity that we also need to survive. We are all connected.

Starboard’s Plastic Offset Program
Action for the removal of plastic by the Starboard team from coastlines has been continuous. Each day the teams head out there is always so much plastic waste on the beaches and in the water. Each year, the Plastic Offset Program team have a target of plastic waste to remove. This is in line with 1.1 KG of plastic per board sold. Again, for 2021 the Starboard team met their plastic waste removal target before their due date. The 75,000 KG of plastic waste goes through the process of sorting to effectively utilise the waste during its next stage of life.

At the moment we are recycling a small percentage of this waste. We keep some of this waste, as we know that one day we will be able to recycle it. The rest goes to the local waste to energy plant. The goal is to reduce the amount going to waste to energy, and recycling even more! We are in talks with leaders in the waste industry to make this happen.
Starboard’s plastic removal project is a source of either a sole or second income for many on the team. Payments are reliant on how much the team are collecting each time. As there is so much waste on the shorelines the team can make a lot of money!
Right now, we are collecting to reach our next target of 100,000 KG of plastic removed from coastlines. Will they reach this target before the end of next year?
Scroll down on this page to see live updates of our Plastic Offset Program.

More mangroves and less plastic is the consistent plan by Starboard. Tune in throughout the year to see what we are up to and thank you all for your amazing support.