Starboard’s Eco-team has been pumping through environmental focused events!
Check out what’s being going on in Starboard’s World Environment Day and World Oceans Day activities.
Starboards World Oceans Day Actions
One big goal for the world!
Firstly, last week we gave our Plastic Offset Program retrieval team a goal of 1,500kg to collect for World Environment Day. 17 team members came to collect trash in Pattaya.
The team collected 1,614 kg of plastic waste. They incredibly smashed their target! Now positioning us very close to our target of 43,000 kg.

POP Team On World Environment Day

Starboard Plastic Offset Program Update 14th June 2019
Trash Hero Bangkok Clean Up
Trash Hero is one of Starboard’s partners. We took the organizations’ values to Clean, Educate and Change to the city on Wednesday evening. When we were there we teamed up with the members of the community in the Rama IX Lake area. With 20 keen volunteers, 10 adults and 10 children the team collected 35.9kg of trash.
At every cleanup, we sort the trash and complete a brand audit form, supplied by Break Free From Plastic. This amazing organization aims to hold polluting corporations accountable. Therefore, driving calls for innovations in product packaging and waste management, and bringing people together who want to take action for a future.
At the end of the day, the recyclable materials were taken to the Recycling Centre that the Trash Hero team coordinated with prior to the event. All plastic bottle tops were kept for Starboard’s Precious Plastic Machine which is arriving at Starboard HQ in a few days.
Very exciting!

World Environment Day Trash Hero Team
Sustainable Business Forum at Siam Society
A forum ran by ‘Agricultural and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific’ hosted two inspiring panel discussions. One of the topics focused on pollution, circular economy. The other focused on sustainable food and ocean health. Following this, a selected few were given the Sustainable Ocean award for their outstanding engagement to protect and conserve our oceans.
Not only did the event focus on how we can help the ocean, but the event organizers also made sure the food for the event was locally sourced and organic. This was a great way to minimize their impact on the environment.
Starboards presence focused on three things. Firstly, we shared our way of how each individual could be 10 x climate net positive by planting mangroves and presented our POP program. We then shared our thoughts on how important it is for plastic regulation bans in the Bangkok Declaration to happen much sooner. Bringing forward the ban for many items, including the banning of single-use cutlery and straws to a sooner date than 2025.

Panel Discussion ‘From Urbanization to Ocean Sustainability’
Stakeholder Consultation On Reducing Marine Litter By Addressing The Management Of The Plastic Value Chain In South East
A project funded by the ‘Sweden International Development Agency’ has the aim to… “reduce the adverse impact of land-based plastic leakage into the marine environment. By ensuring that less plastic is wasted and management of the plastic value chain is improved, with a focus on lifecycle stages of (i) plastic production, (ii) plastic use, and (iii) collection/sorting/ recycling. Thailand is one of the focal countries of this regional project.”
Attending the event were government representatives, private sector representatives, UN agencies, and many other intergovernmental agencies based in Thailand. The events aim was to develop inclusive solutions for marine litter. The range of speakers included; IKEA, Coca-Cola, Siam Cement PLC, Plastic Industry Club, and many more!
One key takes from this event was that a lot of us are aiming to reach the same goal, to end pollution. Clearly, by working together and collaborate where possible so more time is spent working on progressing rather than starting from the very beginning.
Following this event, the SEA of Solutions team will be hosting their first annual SEA of Solutions partnerships week event in November. With the key focuses on policymaking, progress monitoring, igniting and nurturing partnerships and facilitating efficient financial assistance to counties, cities, and consumers. Starboard will be attending this event and will update you all with the top highlights!

Group Photo At COBSEA Event
Starboards World Oceans Day Involvement
SUP Clean Up campaign Germany
Starboard Germany partnered with SUPscout to organize a huge clean-up campaign. 48 SUP stations participated with more than 300 paddling enthusiasts standing up to paddle and collect trash. Even though the weather was not so sunny on that day, the campaign was a big success!
However, the sad part is that all participants reported that they found a lot more trash than expected. That said, it is a really good reason for us to change our habits now and to continue cleaning up whenever-wherever we can.

World Ocean Day Clean Up Germany

World Ocean Day Clean Up Germany
Sustainable Ocean Ambassadors Event, Sattahip
Finally, on World Oceans Day we also showcased our Plastic Offset Program at Ban Amphur Beach. The event day helped promote sustainable sea tourism.
The outdoor event allowed for networking for companies who currently have amazing initiatives to give plastic trash another value. The organizers from Agricultural and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific believe that giving individuals the opportunity to experience nature closely allows for the realization of the importance of the waters to us.
Starboard took part in a group discussion. The discussion focuses were to see how we can work together on the issue of plastic in our environment. With the addition to our visions of the future. To round off the event we had a very successful beach clean up that bought us all together!

Taking Trash Out Of The Ocean After Paddling

Aom from WeSUP Briefing 40 Participants Before Heading Out On Starboards
In the words of the organizer:
When people love and cherish these precious resources, they will eventually find ways to save the sea, act, and tell others to realize and protect the sea as a Sustainable Ocean Ambassador.
The sea gives us not only food, science, and fun. There are many other values that should be worthy of preservation. Become a part of us in helping each other. Think creatively and act to make the sea maintain abundance and sustainable forever.

Team photo at Sustainable Ocean Ambassadors Event