At Starboard we know that there is no better feeling than that of giving the perfect gift, especially at Christmas. So this December when you buy any Starboard (certified eco-board) paddleboard, we’ll plant 2 mangroves instead of 1.
All you have to do is email your purchase receipt to and we will plant the extra mangrove – Simple!
Your gift to our planet.

Gift Two Mangroves To The Planet This Christmas
Mangroves Aren’t Just For Christmas.
Within 20 years each mangrove tree will absorb 1 tonne of CO2 emissions, while on average each board we create emits around 100g of CO2. Meaning that when we plant 2 mangroves they offset the carbon footprint of your board 20 times over!
These miracle trees not only absorb CO2 and lock it into the ground, they also act as a physical barrier along coasts and estuary’s. They help protecting local communities from tropical storms and prevent land from eroding away. As semi aquatic plants they also create a perfect nursery for young fish and other sea creatures. Providing a place where they can stay safely out of reach of larger predators.
If you want to learn more about why mangroves are a great gift for our planet, head to

Young Mangrove – Gift Two Mangroves To The Planet This Christmas
Our Eco-Boards
We have an eco-board for almost every SUP discipline, so you can get whatever’s on your Christmas AND gift 2 Mangroves to the planet.

The following construction types all have level 1 eco-board status and will have two mangroves planted for every board purchased:
Our eco-boards get their status because they all use Bio Resin in their construction, but this isn’t the only way in which we have tried to make our boards more environmentally friendly.
Our boards are made with durability in mind because the longer they last, the fewer replacements you need! We also include sustainably sourced Australian pine for wooden features of the boards, use paint infused resin (which removes the risk of paint chips releasing toxins into the ocean) and moulded core technology that ensures zero EPS wastage.