This earth day “the power is on your plate.” Starboard challenges you to take climate action and go plant-based for one meal, one day, one week or forever! Travel restrictions have reduced carbon footprints, so why not reduce your foodprint too!
Earth Day 2020 calls for Climate Action
As we are all taking care to stay indoors to protect the health of others and ourselves, we need to turn in to see how us, ourselves can take action. To reduce impact on the planet in order to slow climate change.
With the vision of positive change for the planet, Earth Day began in 1970, when the public raised their voices in order to drive change. To protect living organisms on the planet whilst humans unawaringly of the negative impacts, pumped out the smoke and fumes from their cars. The aim of Earth Day is to “diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide”. A clear history of this active movement can be seen on the Earth Day website here. Here on April 22nd 2020, it is the 50th year of Earth Day! Yes, we are being challenged right now to what action we can do this very moment in 2020 but, there are many things we can do from our very own homes.

Things each of us do each day, without a doubt, is eat.
However, do you know the true affects to the planet of eating animal based products?
To give you a snapshot of what this looks like in comparison to the rest of the world and greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some facts from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations:

For Earth Day, Let’s Harness The Plant-Based Power
Let’s do this by looking into what we are eating and how to use this information to reduce our impacts. This way we can take on board some climate action right from our very next meal!
Through looking at the food choice calculator shared by the BBC we can compare the foods we are eating. For example, if we select milk, we would be able to compare the different types of milk and see their carbon footprint in terms of kg emitted per serving.

Furthermore, we are able to see how this compares with other daily tasks, enabling us to visualize our impact.

If we were to do the same for Beef we would see similar results when comparing with other proteins. Further down the comparison chart, it is shown that plant-based foods have a much lower CO2 emission in comparison to animal-based.

What About The Land?
On the other hand, it is not only CO2 emissions we should be looking at. Land is also saved when a plant-based diet is adopted. According to the United Nations Special Report On Climate Change and Land, by choosing a broadly healthier diet, reducing food waste 32% of land could be saved!
Take a look at the image below, it shows 38.6% of the planet’s land is used for growing plants for food. However, only 55% of these crops go straight to our stomachs, 36% is fed to animals, and 9% is then used as biofuels or to make industrial products.

How Can We Utilise Agricultural Land In The Future?
By 2050 the planet is going to house approximately 9 billion people, meaning more mouths to feed.

Does it make sense to shift some of the 36% of food for animals over to plant based food instead? We could also be saving land of the animals who live in the wild if we utilize the land we are already farming on to plant for plant based food for humans.
Lets say the whole planet went plant based, what would happen?
Great, so now the question we hear you all asking, how do I eat like a plant-based Patagonian Dinosaur?

We are going to share with you a few ways to help you with your Earth Day Climate Action, such as how to support what is being grown locally and within the season. Keeping emissions down and supporting your local farmers.
So, if you fancy getting all on board climate action For Earth Day then grab yourself a patch of land in your garden or some soil to make your own growing area. This way you’ll get your seeds growing so you can enjoy your very own seasonal fruit and vegetables! By growing your own fruit and vegetables at home you are cutting down on approximately 28% of carbon emissions. The same percentage of emissions coming from the transportation of the items.
If for whatever reason you cannot grow from home why not support a local farmer who can supply you with your area’s seasonal favorites. No local farmer? Then hop in store, see what seasonal fruit and veggie goodness is being stocked and pick these items. Seasonal items are likely to be more organic, using fewer pesticides and fewer preservatives. As these items would be grown without the help of humans anyway! Overall, they’re likely to be tastier and a lot cheaper too.

How Does Eating Plant Based Benefit My Body?
Overtime, you’ll notice improved digestion, meaning you’ll likely to visit the bathroom more than normal.
You may notice better sleep due to certain foods containing B6. For example; nut-based milks, broccoli, sweet potatoes, bananas contain vitamin B6 which helps your sleep cycle!
Eating high in fiber foods like legumes, beans, vegetables, and fruits, swell in the digestive system. Really slowing down your blood sugar, pausing any spikes and letting insulin do its magic in your cells.
Oh yeah, and not only will your energy increase from better sleep but your digestive system will be given a bit of a break too! When you digest meat it causes a bit of havoc as it is so hard to digest in our stomachs. Naturally eating a plant-based diet will give you more energy as it is easier on your digestive system. Also, things like dark leafy greens (kale, spinach and romaine lettuce, red berries, and nuts) have huge energizing properties that stimulate your thyroid hormones, giving you that boost!
Sports And Eating Plant Based.
Eating plant based whilst being can also be beneficial to your body in terms of endurance sports. With resorts of improved tissue oxygenation, reduced inflammation and reduced cardiovascular risks.
To check out the benefits of eating a plant based diet check out the documentary Game Changers, there are debunks out there and debunks of the debunks so it really takes you in depth into the knowledge if you check these out too!
Helping you on your Climate Action for Earth Day are some of our Dream Team riders and Ocean Ambassadors. They will be sharing their favorite plant-based meals on Instagram this week, have a peek at their posts. They’ll get your plant-based inspiration juices flowing! Going even further, you can tune into an Instagram live with Zane Schweitzer a true Blue Life SUP legend. We also have Ocean Ambassador crew, Watertrek Foundation going live in France!

If you are taking on a long term plant-based diet, please do your research into what your body needs. Ensuring that you are getting enough nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals.
Enjoy your next plant based meal for the planet and feel free to tag us in your plant based creations!
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