Dream Team rider from Japan, Tomoyasu Murabayashi recently opened a SUPkids delivery center in Hyuga, Japan. Here we catch up with him in this interview about the center, his plans, tastes and plastic in our oceans.
Tell us a bit more about your SUP school…
My SUP School just opened this year at Hyuga Miyazaki Japan. Hyuga is one of the best surf towns. We also have a beautiful river and small bay, which is good place for paddling.
Why did you choose to become a SUPKids Delivery Centre?
Because I really love the SUPKIDS Workbook, there is many important things for the Global environment and our future. I want to teach these things to Japanese kids.
What’s the water temperature over there right now ?
What’s your favourite non-SUP related activity in Japan?
Surfing and running.
Do you have many problems regarding ocean plastics where you paddle?
We can see many plastic garbage at the our beach.
What is the typical route that you would take if you were about to embark on a micro adventure or SUP adventure?
The beach and river are very close to our Delivery centre. We also have a great walking course near by. We can choose these spots depending on the conditions.
How good are Japan when it comes to recycling?
We separate the garbage into categories for recycling.
Where has been your favourite place to SUP?
Japan, Hawaii, Tahiti, New Caledonia, Australia, Taiwan… everywhere in the world!
Tell us what a typical day for you guys looks like?
Go paddling or surfing before or after work.
If we were hanging out with you in Japan, what would we eat post-SUP?
I will take you guys take to the best Japanese food restaurant. “Wa shoku”(Japanese food is healthy).
What other activities do you get up to apart from SUP to keep fit?
Surfing, running and gym workouts.
We know that you love the ocean are are super passionate about taking care of it, what types of activities do you get up to in order to keep your oceans clean and protected?
Pick up a garbage each time we surf or hold a paddle session from the beach. Also, use less water bottles and less plastic bottles.
What is your favourite type of board to ride?
STARBOARD SUP 7’4 SeanPoynter Pro and ALLSTAR 12’6″
What time of the year would you say is the best for suping in Japan?
Spring to Summer season (April to September) is the best.
If we had 48 hours in Japan, what would be the best way to fill it ?
Paddling at the beautiful Japan, eat a delicious food and go sightseeing.