Based on our latest calculations, the total carbon footprint for the iQFOiL Olympic equipment is 721.31 kg CO2e.
The iQFOiL is the official windsurfing equipment of the 2024 and 2028 Olympics in Paris and Los Angeles. The equipment designs are locked and won’t be changed until at least 2029, but that doesn’t stop us from continually improving and updating our Carbon Footprint calculations.
Why Has the iQFOiL Carbon Footprint Changed if the Design Hasn’t?
Increasing the Scope of our Calculations.
Every year we learn more about the impact of our products, including the iQFOiL, and it is important that when we identify a new source of CO2 emissions we include it in our calculations.
In the latest carbon footprint our scope expanded to include the impact of auxillary materials in the production process, upstream transportation of raw materials,electricity inefficiencies and fossil fuel extraction emissions.
Accounting for Factory Changes
While the design is unchanging, we have seen changes in our carbon footprint due to the introduction of 10% solar power at one of our factories and changes in where materials are coming from.
Keeping up with the Latest Scientific Research
Carbon footprinting is a relatively new field, so the way we calculate needs to regularly change to keep up with new research and best practices.
In particular, new research into emissions from Carbon Fiber manufacturing has caused the iQFOiL carbon footprint to increase
Introducing New Calculation Software
This year we have started working with MarineShift360 software to help make our calucations more accurate. This is helping to remove any human error from our calculations and is allowing us to include more within our calculations.
10x Climate Positive Equipment
iQFOiL equipment is 10x Climate Positive. This means that we plant mangroves to absorb 10 times the amount of CO2 released during production and distribution.
For one iQFOiL set we plant 22 mangroves with Worldview International Foundation. Together these trees will sequester 7,367kg of CO2 during the first 25 years of their lives.