Last week we shared with you all our call to action to Restore Our Earth during Earth Day 2021. Thank you to everyone who got involved in a brand audit clean ups and sharing findings. As well as planting natives flowers and creating insect homes! In this article, we wanted to share what you guys found and to share what our Eco Team found too!
73% Of You Did A Clean Up On Earth Day!
During the clean up we asked you all some questions on our social media channels. Out of those who answered, a huge 73% of you said you conducted a clean up. Furthermore, this inspires us all to get active and out there to clean up our surroundings.
Let’s See What Else You Guys Had To Say…
70% of you guys said you have never done a brand audit before, and aren’t sure of what it is. Here is our explanation:

What Did Your Clean Up Findings Entail?
Resulting responses included; Fishing Gear, PPE, Polystyrene, Smoking paraphernalia, micro-plastics and straws.

Additionally, our Starboard Environmental team & the Trash Hero BKK team were finding so much in terms of smoking paraphernalia; such as filters, filter wrappers, lighters etc. These are known to be the most littered plastic on the planet, as many people may not know these filters are made from plastic.

Finally, the most common brands we were finding was Coca-Cola, Mars and Budweiser.

To wrap this up, we were interested to hear some of the weird and wonderful findings you’ve ever come across during clean-ups!
Let’s have a read:
“A child mannequin….” @gillygilly007
“An air horn with a rubber bulb. Some Clown must have lost it while paddling on a SUP” @klausnotatwork
“Many small plastic shovels kids forgot, its good in a way, cause it helps me clean the beach easier :)” @amfamf
“Half a kayak with a mannequin sitting in it” @grffrth
You have painted quite the picture for your cleanups guys!

Your Clean Ups Matter!
A reminder, if you are going to do a clean up, why not submit a brand audit with your findings too? Head over to this link, add in the details of your findings, add Starboard as the Organisation and help Break Free From Plastic lobby the guys who are polluting our beautiful Earth the most! Let’s join forces together and make the brands make more movements in the right direction!
Read last years Brand Audit from Break Free From Plastic here.