Why is Proper Waste Management So Important in Developing Countries?

In developing countries, establishing a robust waste management system is crucial for the following reasons:   Addressing Rapid Urbanization and Population Growth: As developing countries experience rapid population growth, particularly within cities, the volume of waste generated increases significantly. Lack of waste management system, waste accumulates in streets, water bodies, and open spaces, causing environmental…

Showing the plastic pollution video

Environmental Awareness Programs in Myanmar

Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country known for its natural beauty, is grappling with some severe environmental problems. Deforestation, air and water pollution, and illegal wildlife trade pose significant challenges. To help combat these issues, Starboard has initiated an Environmental Awareness program in Myanmar as a part of the Plastic Offset Program. Our monthly awareness programs…

Eco-Friendly Habits

Eco-Friendly Habits

In this article, we’ll share some simple eco-friendly habits that we can all start practising today to help in the fight to protect our planet.   As part of our Plastic Offset Program, Starboard is starting up an Environmental awareness program for children in Myanmar. Every week, we will be sharing simple Eco-friendly information with the…